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Psihoterapie individuala Sibiu - In psihoterapia individuala, vom aborda dificultatile psihologice in sistem unu-la-unu,iar terapia va avea loc intre psihoterapeut si o singura persoana. Procesul terapeutic este unul co-creat, bazandu-se pe colaborarea dintre psihoterapeut si persoana aflata in terapie. Baza acestui proces o reprezinta construirea unei relatii terapeutice solide, de incredere intre cele doua parti. Doar in acest fel vom putea facilita explorarea libera a gandurilor si emotiilor, formularea de comun acord a unor obiective si colaborarea activa pentru indeplinirea lor. Listing Details : [Details] |
Therapy and Counselling Experts in London - We created the EASE Wellbeing approach in the public sector over 14 years ago to compliment mental health services and access for patients of GP practices. More recently, we have extended our services to self-referrals to enhance access and make pathways to treatment efficient and immediate. What this means is that you can call us at any time, you will be spoken to or responded to within 24 hours and you will be offered an assessment of your concerns within 5 days. Thereafter, we will offer you an appropriate set of talking therapy sessions that are based upon how your difficulties are affecting you and how you would like to address them. The EASE approach is a collaborative endeavour. That means we will be working together to recover or discover how you may be able to find hope, meaning and purpose in as short a time as possible with an emphasis on you being in charge of how you live your life. Listing Details : [Details] |