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Simulator games - Best Time Management Simulation Game for Unlimited Fun! Buy scrape vehicles, detach vehicle components, collect special items, sell vehicle components, repair, and press vehicles, craft new items! Junkyard Tycoon is a simulation game where you start your own junkyard garage. Buy vehicles or vehicle parts, detach vehicles to parts, sell them and make the profit to enrich your empire! While making good business out of junk vehicle parts in time, become a Junkyard Tycoon of the year!Just focus on buying and selling vehicles or vehicle parts. The twist of the game is that you can make a profit while selling different vehicle parts. You can buy cars, trucks, tractors, hero cars on scrapyard prices and you will be selling vehicle parts one by one to make good money. It is a perfect way to test your business and money making skills! Listing Details : [Details] |
Igre.Games - Dobrodosli na, vodecu internetsku stranicu s igrama, gdje mozete igrati ogroman raspon besplatnih online igara ukljucujuci arkadne igre, sportske igre, puzzle igre, naci ce se tu ponesto i za djevojcice i jos mnogo toga. Ukoliko se volite druzit s drugim igracima, zelite biti dio tima ili se pak boriti protiv drugih igraca, obavezno pogledajte nasu kolekciju Multiplayer igrica. Imamo sirok raspon kategorija igara, od akcijskih igara do sportskih igara, dress-up igara do kartaskih igrica. Najzabavnije i najuspjesnije nove IO igre poput,, Moomoo IO, slijede ove opce smjernice. Igrac moze skociti pravo u igru ??jednim klikom. Neka bude super jednostavno za nauciti, ali tesko svladati, poput Krunker IO igre. Dopustite igracu da "skalira" svoje ovlasti u igri u odnosu na ostale igrace. I posljednje, ali ne najmanje bitno, ili su konkurentni ili kooperativni. Slither IO je dobar primjer. To je vrlo jednostavna igra, s jednostavnim kontrolama. Nema iskustva potrebnog za pocetak, sto znaci da ljudi to mogu vrlo brzo nauciti. Unatoc tome, igru ??je tesko svladati. Jednostavna, cista grafika takoder vrijedi spomenuti kao relevantna karakteristika zanra. Listing Details : [Details] |
Mafia MoFo Reloaded - Browser Mafia Game - Mafia MoFo Reloaded : Don’t play the game, become part of the game. At least that’s the goal of the best RPGs, right? Role-playing games are becoming more complicated with every passing year, but they’re not becoming any more immersive. For that, you need a customized, ever-changing RPG with a massive community of people that are working towards different goals. It helps if it is free and playable through your browser. In other words, it helps if this is RPG simulates the real world in that everyone has access no matter what. Mafia MoFo Reloaded is just that game. Always free and playable through your browser, Mafia MoFo asks you to answer one question: Who do you want to be? As the name implies, you could choose the dark path of organized crime, or maybe something else? Again, who do you want to be? In Mafia MoFo Reloaded, you may never answer that question but you will find out who you are. The only real question is: Will you like the answer you discover? That’s because Mafia MoFo Reloaded unleashes the Tony Soprano that lurks deep down in each of us. There are the kingpins and the pawns and the go-betweens. There are the civilians, the law, and those skirting the lines between right and wrong. Nothing is ever clear cut and the rules are always changing. In Mafia MoFo Reloaded, you hit the streets with a dream but the streets end up shaping your reality. Do you want to sit atop a criminal empire or do you want to bring it down? Listing Details : [Details] |
Djecije igrice - Igre za djecu su važan dio njihovog razvoja i omogućavaju im da se zabave, razvijaju svoje motoričke sposobnosti i steknu nova znanja. Postoje razne vrste igara za djecu, od kreativnih do sportskih i edukativnih. Uz igre, djeca se osjećaju sigurno i zadovoljno, stiču nove prijatelje i razvijaju svoje socijalne vještine. Neka od najpopularnijih igara za djecu su slagalice, društvene igre, igre sa loptom i igre sa kockama. Ne postoji ništa bolje od zabave u društvu voljenih i sigurnih ljudi. Zato, za dobar početak dana, provedite vrijeme sa svojom djecom i zabavite se zajedno igrajući igre za njih. Listing Details : [Details] |